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Actions of employees performed in favor of the inducing Party include the following: Provision of unjustified benefits in comparison with benefits to any other counterparties; Provision of any guarantees ; Acceleration of existing procedures (formalities simplification); Any other actions performed by employees within their functions, however contradicting the principles of transparency and openness of relations between Parties.# @07V 28=8:=5==O C !B>@>=8 ?V4>7@, I> 2V41C;>AO 01> <>65 2V41CB8AO ?>@CH5==O 1C4L-O:8E 0=B8:>@C?FV9=8E C<>2, 2V4?>2V4=0 !B>@>=0 7>1>2 O7CTBLAO ?>2V4><8B8 V=HC !B>@>=C C ?8AL<>2V9 D>@<V. VA;O ?8AL<>2>3> ?>2V4><;5==O, 2V4?>2V4=0 !B>@>=0 <0T ?@02> ?@87C?8=8B8 28:>=0==O 7>1>2'O70=L 70 F8< >3>2>@>< 4> >B@8<0==O ?V4B25@465==O, I> ?>@CH5==O =5 2V41C;>AO 01> =5 2V41C45BLAO. &5 ?V4B25@465==O ?>28==5 1CB8 =04VA;0=5 ?@>BO3>< 5 (? 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Upon and after receiving a written notice, the relevant Party has the right to suspend performance of obligations under this Contract until receipt of confirmation that such violation has not occur or will not occur. Such confirmation must be sent within 5 (five) business days as of the sending date of the written notice. In such written notice, Party shall refer to facts or provide the materials that reliable confirm or give grounds to assume that the violation of such terms by counterparty, its affiliates, employees or intermediaries occurred or may occur, and is qualified under applicable legislation as giving/receiving improper advantage, corruption offense, as well as actions violating applicable laws on corruption prevention and international regulations on anti-money laundering.!B>@>=8 FL>3> >3>2>@C 287=0NBL ?@>2545==O ?@>F54C@ I>4> 70?>1V30==O :>@C?FVW V :>=B@>;NNBL WE 4>B@8<0==O. @8 FL><C !B>@>=8 4>:;040NBL @>7C<=V 7CA8;;O, I>1 <V=V<V7C20B8 @878: 4V;>28E 2V4=>A8= 7 :>=B@035=B0<8, O:V <>6CBL 1CB8 70;CG5=V 4> :>@C?FV9=>W 4VO;L=>ABV, 0 B0:>6 =040NBL 270T<=5 A?@8O==O >48= >4=><C 2 FV;OE 70?>1V30==O :>@C?FVW. @8 FL><C !B>@>=8 70157?5GCNBL @50;V70FVN ?@>F54C@ 7 ?@>2545==O ?5@52V@>: 7 <5B>N 70?>1V30==O @878:V2 70;CG5==O !B>@V= C :>@C?FV9=C 4VO;L=VABL.Parties under this Contract acknowledge the anti-corruption procedures and control its observance. At this, Parties shall make reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of business relationships with counterparties who may be involved in corrupt activities and assist each other in preventing corruption. Parties shall ensure the implementation of anti-corruption monitoring in order to prevent the risk of involvement of Parties in corrupt activities. <5B>N ?@>2545==O 0=B8:>@C?FV9=8E ?5@52V@>: >=B@035=B** 7>1>2'O7CTBLAO =5 ?V7=VH5 (5) ? 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OB8 @>1>G8E 4=V2 7 40B8 2=5A5==O B0:8E 7<V= =040B8 2V4?>2V4=C V=D>@<0FVN ">20@8AB2C. =D>@<0FVO =040TBLAO =0 ?0?5@>2><C =>AVW, 702V@5=0 ?V4?8A>< ?>A04>2>W >A>18, O:0 T >4=>>AV1=8< 28:>=02G8< >@30=>< :>=B@035=B0 01> C?>2=>2065=>N =0 ?V4AB02V 4>2V@5=>ABV >A>1>N V =0?@02;OTBLAO =0 04@5AC ">20@8AB20 H;OE>< ?>HB>2>3> 2V4?@02;5==O 7 >?8A>< 2:;045==O. 0B>N =040==O =D>@<0FVW T 40B0 >B@8<0==O ">20@8AB2>< ?>HB>2>3> 2V4?@02;5==O. >40B:>2> =D>@<0FVO =040TBLAO =0 5;5:B@>==><C =>AVW.For the purpose of anti-corruption monitoring, the Counterparty** shall provide the information on Counterparty ownership structure, including owners at all levels (entire ownership chain), including an ultimate beneficiary (controller) by filling and submitting the form provided in AnnexNo1*** hereto together with supporting documentation (hereinafter  the Information), no later than 5 (five) business days as of the date of signing of this Contract, as well as at any time within the effective period hereof at the written request of the Company* In case of any change in the Counterparty s ownership structure, including an ultimate beneficiary (controller) and (or) change within the executive bodies, Counterparty shall provide applicable information to Company no later than 5 (five) business days as of the date of such change. Information shall be provided on paper, signed by an official who is the sole executive body of Counterparty or by person who is given the signing authority under the power of attorney, and sent by mail to the Company s address including a description of attachments. The date of provision of such Information is the date of receipt of the mail by the Company. Additional information shall be provided on electronic media.!B>@>=8 287=0NBL, I> WE <>6;82V =5?@02><V@=V 4VW B0 ?>@CH5==O 0=B8:>@C?FV9=8E C<>2 FL>3> >3>2>@C <>6CBL A?@8G8=8B8 =5A?@8OB;82V =0A;V4:8 - 2V4 7=865==O @59B8=3C =04V9=>ABV >=B@035=B0 4> VAB>B=8E >1<565=L I>4> 270T<>4VW 7 >=B@035=B><, 4> @>7V@20==O FL>3> >3>2>@C.Parties recognize that their possible misconduct and violations of anti-corruption provisions of this Contract may result in adverse effects  from reduced reliability rating of the Counterparty to significant business relations restrictions, up to the termination of this Contract.!B>@>=8 30@0=BCNBL 74V9A=5==O =0;56=>3> @>73;O4C 70 ?@54AB02;5=8<8 2 @0<:0E 28:>=0==O FL>3> >3>2>@C D0:B0<8 7 4>B@8<0==O< ?@8=F8?V2 :>=DV45=FV9=>ABV B0 70AB>AC20==O 5D5:B82=8E 70E>4V2 I>4> CAC=5==O ?@0:B8G=8E B@C4=>IV2 B0 70?>1V30==O <>6;828E :>=D;V:B=8E A8BC0FV9.Parties guarantee due consideration of facts represented under this Contract in compliance with confidentiality terms and implementation of the effective measures for addressing practical issues and preventing possible conflict situations.!B>@>=8 30@0=BCNBL ?>2=C :>=DV45=FV9=VABL ?@8 28:>=0==V 0=B8:>@C?FV9=8E C<>2 FL>3> >3>2>@C, 0 B0:>6 2V4ACB=VABL =530B82=8E =0A;V4:V2 O: 4;O >=B@035=B0 2 FV;><C, B0: V 4;O :>=:@5B=8E ?@0FV2=8:V2 >=B@035=B0, O:V ?>2V4><8;8 ?@> D0:B ?>@CH5==O.Parties guarantee complete confidentiality during the performance of anti-corruption terms of this Contract, as well as non-occurrence of negative consequences for Counterparty in general, as well as for individual employees of Counterparty, who had reported facts of violation hereunder.# @07V 2V4<>28 >=B@035=B0 2V4 =040==O =D>@<0FVW, O:C 287=0G5=> C FL><C >3>2>@V, D0:B8G=>3> =5=040==O B0:>W V=D>@<0FVW, =040==O V=D>@<0FVW 7 ?>@CH5==O< AB@>:V2, 2AB0=>2;5=8E C FL><C >3>2>@V, 01> =040==O =54>AB>2V@=>W =D>@<0FVW, ">20@8AB2> <0T ?@02> 2 >4=>AB>@>==L><C ?>@O4:C 2V4<>28B8AO 2V4 28:>=0==O >3>2>@C H;OE>< =0?@02;5==O ?8AL<>2>3> ?>2V4><;5==O ?@> ?@8?8=5==O >3>2>@C G5@57 5 (? OBL) @>1>G8E 4=V2 7 <><5=BC =0?@02;5==O ?>2V4><;5==O. # @07V =040==O =D>@<0FVW =5 2 ?>2=><C >1AO7V, B0: A0<> =5?>40==O =D>@<0FVW 707=0G5=>W C D>@<V (>40B>: !1*** 4> FL>3> >3>2>@C) ">20@8AB2> =0?@02;OT ?>2B>@=89 70?8B ?@> =040==O =D>@<0FVW 70 2:070=>N D>@<>N 7 <5B>N 4>?>2=5==O 2V4ACB=L>W V=D>@<0FVTN V7 707=0G5==O< AB@>:V2 WW =040==O. # @07V =5?>40==O B0:>W V=D>@<0FVW, ?>@CH5==O AB@>:V2 WW =040==O, 0 B0:>6 =040==O =54>AB>2V@=>W V=D>@<0FVW ">20@8AB2> <0T ?@02> 2 >4=>AB>@>==L><C ?>@O4:C 2V4<>28B8AO 2V4 28:>=0==O >3>2>@C H;OE>< =0?@02;5==O ?8AL<>2>3> ?>2V4><;5==O ?@> ?@8?8=5==O >3>2>@C G5@57 5 (?'OBL) @>1>G8E 4=V2 7 <><5=BC =0?@02;5==O ?>2V4><;5==O.Should Counterparty refuse to provide Information defined hereunder, fail to provide such information, provide information in violation of the terms hereof or provide false Information, Company has the right to withdraw from this Contract unilaterally by sending a written notice about the Contract termination 5 (five) business days after sending such notice. Should Counterparty provide incomplete Information or fail to provide information indicated in the form in AnnexNo1*** hereto, Company should send a second request for Information to be provided per the specified form in order to add missing information, specifying the information provision deadline. Should Counterparty fail to provide such information or provide information in violation of the terms herein, or provide false information, Company has the right to withdraw from this Contract unilaterally by sending a written notice on Contract termination 5 (five) business days after sending such notice.07=0G5=0 C FL><C @>74V;V C<>20 T VAB>B=>N C<>2>N FL>3> >3>2>@C 2V4?>2V4=> 4> G0AB8=8 1 AB. 638 & #:@0W=8.The terms referred to in this section make an essential condition of this Contract pursuant to Part 1 of Article 638 of Civil Code of Ukraine. *">20@8AB2>  " #:@307284>1C20==O; **>=B@035=B  >A>10 7 O:>N "#:@307284>1C20==O C:;045=> >3>2V@; ***>40B>: !1- =><5@ 4>40B:C 7<V=NTBLAO 270;56=>ABV 2V4 =C<5@0FVW 70 >3>2>@><. **** C 28?04:C C:;040==O 7 >=B@035=B>< >3>2>@C ;8H5 C:@0W=AL:>N <>2>N, 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO B5:AB =B8:>@C?FV9=>3> 70AB5@565==O, 28:;045=89 C:@0W=AL:>N <>2>N. /:I> =B8:>@C?FV9=5 70AB5@565==O 4>40TBLAO 4> >3>2>@C C 283;O4V >40B:C, B0:89 4>40B>: ?V4?8ACTBLAO !B>@>=0<8.  *Company  JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya; **Counterparty  a person with whom JSCUkrgasvydobuvannya has entered into an Agreement; ***AnnexNo1 number of the Annex changes according to the contract. >40B>: !1 /Annex No1 4> >3>2>@C / to the Agreement ! ______________________ 2V4 / dated ___________20__ $ ** _______________________________ >G0B>: D>@<8 ________________________________ =D>@<0FVO ?@> 2;0A=8:V2 >=B@035=B0*, 2:;NG0NG8 :V=F52>3> 15=5DVFV0@=>3> 2;0A=8:0 (:>=B@>;5@0) Information on Counterparty`s* ownership structure, including ultimate beneficiary owner (controller) V7 707=0G5==O< 2AL>3> ;0=FN6:0 2;0A=8:V2, 2:;NG0NG8 :V=F528E 15=5DVFV0@=8E 2;0A=8:V2 (:>=B@>;5@V2) (Indicating entire ownership chain, including ultimate beneficiaries owners (controllers) AB0=>< =0/ as of ____________20___@. 09<5=C20==O >@30=V70FVW (=09<5=C20==O, <VAF57=0E>465==O, ) Legal entity name (name, location, tax ID) ;0A=8:8 (0:FV>=5@8) >@30=V70FVW, V7 707=0G5==O< G0AB:8 2% (=09<5=C20==O, <VAF57=0E>465==O) Legal entity owners (shareholders); indicate share % (name, location) V4B25@46CNGV 4>:C<5=B8, =09<5=C20==O @5:2V78B8, ?0A?>@B=V 40=V Confirmation documents, name, details, passport details I. V4?@8T<AB2>->=B@035=B . Counterparty II. .@848G=V >A>18, O:V T 2;0A=8:0<8 >@30=V70FVW  >=B@035=B0 . Legal entities that are Counterparty s owners III. .@848G=V >A>18, O:V T 2;0A=8:0<8 =0ABC?=8E @V2=V2 (4> :V=F528E) . Legal entities that are owners at the following ownership levels (up to ultimate owners) IV. V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: (:>=B@>;5@) V. Ultimate beneficiary owner (controller) @8<VB:0 Note ;O 2;0A=8:V2 / 15=5DVFV0@V2 / 0:FV>=5@V2 DV78G=8E >AV1 2:070B8 , , ?0A?>@B=V 40=V B0 G0AB:C 2 % ;O 2;0A=8:V2 / 0:FV>=5@V2 N@848G=8E >AV1 2:070B8: - =09<5=C20==O, D>@<C 2;0A=>ABV, , <VAF57=0E>465==O B0 G0AB:C 2 % 2 >@30=V70FVW - 2:070B8 A2>WE 2;0A=8:V2 (4> :V=F528E) Indicate full name; tax ID, passport details of owners, beneficiaries and shareholders who are physical persons, including their share %. For owners/shareholders that are legal entities, indicate the following: - Name, form of ownership, tax ID, location and % of company share. - Indicate owners (up to ultimate owners). >AB>2V@=VABL B0 ?>2=>BC 40=>W V=D>@<0FVW ?V4B25@46CN. Hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of this information V4 " " / From the COUNTERPARTY _____________________________________________ (?>A040) (?V4?8A) () <.?. (40B0) *>=B@035=B  >A>10, 7 O:>N "#:@307284>1C20==O C:;045=> >3>2V@. *Counterparty  a person with whom JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya has entered into an Agreement. _________________________________V=5FL D>@<8__________________________________ **C 28?04:C C:;040==O 7 >=B@035=B>< >3>2>@C ;8H5 C:@0W=AL:>N <>2>N, 28:>@8AB>2CTBLAO B5:AB $>@<8 , 28:;045=89 C:@0W=AL:>N <>2>N V4?8A8 !B>@V= / Signatures of the Parties: V4 " "/ From the COUNTERPARTY: V4 " !"/ From the COMPANY: .. / Seal .. / Seal >40B>: !2 /Annex No2 4> >3>2>@C ! _________________2V4 ___________ 2023@. !B>@>=8 4><>28;8AO ?@> =0ABC?=V C<>28 !0=:FV9=>3> 70AB5@565==O: !0=:FV9=5 70AB5@565==OParties agreed on the following terms of Sanction warning: Sanction warning">20@8AB2>* <0T ?@02> 2 >4=>AB>@>==L><C ?>@O4:C 2V4<>28B8AO 2V4 28:>=0==O A2>WE 7>1>2 O70=L 70 >3>2>@>< B0/01> @>7V@20B8 >3>2V@ C 28?04:C, O:I>:The Company* has the right to unilaterally waive its obligations under the Agreement and / or terminate the Agreement if:- >=B@035=B* B0/01> 9>3> CG0A=8: B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: >=B@035=B0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 OFAC !?>;CG5=8E (B0BV2 <5@8:8 (?5@5;V:C >AV1, 4> O:8E 70AB>A>20=V A0=:FVW, I> 287=0G0TBLAO The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of the Treasury);- The Counterparty* and / or its participant and / or the ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty is included in the list of OFAC sanctions imposed by the United States of America (The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the US Department of Treasury constitutes the list of persons subject to sanctions);- > >=B@035=B0 B0/01> CG0A=8:0 >=B@035=B0 B0/01> :V=F52>3> 15=5DVFV0@=>3> 2;0A=8:0 >=B@035=B0 B0/01> B>20@V2 G8 ?>A;C3 >=B@035=B0 70AB>A>20=V >1<565==O (A0=:FVW) V=H8E, =V6 OFAC, 45@602=8E >@30=V2 !(, @568< 4>B@8<0==O O:8E <>65 1CB8 ?>@CH5=89 28:>=0==O< >3>2>@C;- The Counterparty and / or Counterparty's participant and / or the ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty and / or the Counterparty's goods or services are subject to restrictions (sanctions) other than OFAC, as imposed by US government authorities, the compliance with which may be violated by performance of this Agreement;- >=B@035=B B0/01> CG0A=8: >=B@035=B0 B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: >=B@035=B0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 2@>?59AL:>3> !>N7C (Consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions);- The Counterparty and / or Counterparty's participant and / or ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty is included in the list of sanctions imposed by the European Union (Consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions);- >=B@035=B B0/01> CG0A=8: >=B@035=B0 B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: >=B@035=B0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 Her Majesty's Treasury 5;8:>W @8B0=VW (A?8A:C >AV1, 2:;NG5=8E 2 Consolidated list of financial sanctions targets in the UK B0 2 List of persons subject to restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, I> 2545BLAO the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) of the Her Majesty's Treasury);- The Counterparty and / or Counterparty's participant and / or ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty is included in Her Majesty's Treasury Sanctions List imposed by the UK (list of persons included in the Consolidated list of financial sanctions targets in the UK and in the List of persons subject to restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine that are constituted by the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) of Her Majesty's Treasury);- >=B@035=B B0/01> CG0A=8: >=B@035=B0 B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: >=B@035=B0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 57?5:8  (72545=>3> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 57?5:8 @30=V70FVW 1 T4=0=8E 0FV9 (Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List), 2 O:89 2:;NG5=V DV78G=V B0 N@848G=V >A>18, I>4> O:8E 70AB>A>20=V A0=:FV9=V 70E>48 048 57?5:8 ). - >=B@035=B B0/01> CG0A=8: >=B@035=B0 B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: >=B@035=B0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8 (?5@5;V:C >AV1, 4> O:8E 04>N =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8 70AB>A>20=V ?5@A>=0;L=V A?5FV0;L=V 5:>=><VG=V B0 V=HV >1<56C20;L=V 70E>48 (A0=:FVW), 2V4?>2V4=> 4> AB0BBV 5 0:>=C #:@0W=8 @> A0=:FVW @VH5==O<8, O:V 22545=V 2 4VN #:070<8 @57845=B0 #:@0W=8). - The Counterparty and / or the Counterparty's participant and / or the ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty is included in the United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List) that includes individuals and legal entities, subject to UN Security Council sanctions). - The Counterparty and / or the Counterparty's participant and / or the ultimate beneficial owner of the Counterparty is included in the list of sanctions imposed by the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (list of persons subject to personal special economic and other restrictive measures of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine under Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine On Sanctions as put into effect by the Decrees of the President).- )>4> B>20@V2 B0/01> ?>A;C3 70 >3>2>@>< B0/01> I>4> 28:>=0==O V=H8E C<>2 >3>2>@C 04>N =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8 70AB>A>20=V ?5@A>=0;L=V A?5FV0;L=V 5:>=><VG=V B0 V=HV >1<56C20;L=V 70E>48 (A0=:FVW), 2V4?>2V4=> 4> AB0BBV 5 0:>=C #:@0W=8 @> A0=:FVW @VH5==O<8, O:V 22545=V 2 4VN #:070<8 @57845=B0 #:@0W=8), C 28?04:C, O:I> 28:>=0==O >3>2>@C AC?5@5G8B8<5 4>B@8<0==N A0=:FV9 048 =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8. - The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine applies personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) to goods and / or services under the Agreement and / or to the performance of other provisions of the Agreement, in accordance with Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine On Sanctions that are put into effect by the Decrees of the President of Ukraine), if the implementation of the Agreement violates the compliance with the sanctions imposed by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. ">20@8AB2> <0T ?@02> 2 >4=>AB>@>==L><C ?>@O4:C 2V4<>28B8AO 2V4 28:>=0==O A2>WE 7>1>2 O70=L 70 >3>2>@>< B0/01> @>7V@20B8 >3>2V@ C 28?04:C, O:I> AB0=5 2V4><>, I>: The Company has the right to unilaterally waive its obligations under the Agreement and / or terminate the Agreement in case it becomes known that:- 8@>1=8: B>20@C B0/01> :V=F5289 15=5DVFV0@=89 2;0A=8: 8@>1=8:0 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8 (?5@5;V:C >AV1, 4> O:8E 04>N =0FV>=0;L=>W 157?5:8 V >1>@>=8 #:@0W=8 70AB>A>20=V ?5@A>=0;L=V A?5FV0;L=V 5:>=><VG=V B0 V=HV >1<56C20;L=V 70E>48 (A0=:FVW), 2V4?>2V4=> 4> AB0BBV 5 0:>=C #:@0W=8 @> A0=:FVW @VH5==O<8, O:V 22545=V 2 4VN #:070<8 @57845=B0 #:@0W=8);- The Producer and/or the ultimate beneficial owner of the Producer is included in the list of sanctions imposed by the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (list of persons subject to personal special economic and other restrictive measures of National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine under Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine On Sanctions as put into effect by the Decrees of the President);- 8@>1=8: B>20@C 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 2@>?59AL:>3> !>N7C (Consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions);- The Producer is included in the list of sanctions imposed by the European Union (Consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions);- 8@>1=8: B>20@C 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 Her Majesty's Treasury 5;8:>W @8B0=VW (A?8A:C >AV1, 2:;NG5=8E 2 Consolidated list of financial sanctions targets in the UK B0 2 List of persons subject to restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, I> 2545BLAO the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) of the Her Majesty's Treasury);- The Producer is included in Her Majesty's Treasury Sanctions List imposed by the UK (list of persons included in the Consolidated list of financial sanctions targets in the UK and in the List of persons subject to restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine that are constituted by the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) of Her Majesty's Treasury);- 8@>1=8: B>20@C 2=5A5=89 4> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 57?5:8  (72545=>3> A?8A:C A0=:FV9 048 57?5:8 @30=V70FVW 1 T4=0=8E 0FV9 (Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List), 2 O:89 2:;NG5=V DV78G=V B0 N@848G=V >A>18, I>4> O:8E 70AB>A>20=V A0=:FV9=V 70E>48 048 57?5:8 ).- The Producer is included in the United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List) that includes individuals and legal entities, subject to UN Security Council sanctions).- >=B@035=B =5 ?>2V4><82 ">20@8AB2> ?@> 7<V=C :5@V2=8:0 >=B@035=B0, 70A=>2=8:0, :V=F52>3> 15=5DVFV0@=>3> 2;0A=8:0 (:>=B@>;5@0), CG0A=8:0, 0:FV>=5@0, O:><C =0;568BL G0AB:0 CG0ABV 2 AB0BCB=><C :0?VB0;V >=B@035=B0 ?>=04 10% ?@>BO3>< 5 (? OB8) @>1>G8E 4=V2 2V4 40B8 B0:8E 7<V=. - The Counterparty has not notified the Company about the change of the head of the Counterparty, founder, ultimate beneficial owner (controller), participant, shareholder with a share in the authorized capital of the Counterparty exceeding 10 percent within 5 (five) business days since the day of such changes. V4<>20 2V4 28:>=0==O 7>1>2 O70=L 70 >3>2>@>< B0/01> @>7V@20==O >3>2>@C ">20@8AB2>< 2V41C20TBLAO H;OE>< =0?@02;5==O >=B@035=BC ?8AL<>2>3> ?>2V4><;5==O. >3>2V@ 22060TBLAO @>7V@20=8< =0 5 (? OB89) @>1>G89 45=L 7 40B8 2V4?@02;5==O >=B@035=BC B0:>3> ?>2V4><;5==O ">20@8AB2><. 0B>N 2V4?@02;5==O ?>2V4><;5==O 22060TBLAO 40B0, 707=0G5=0 2 4>:C<5=BV (2 B><C G8A;V, 0;5 =5 28:;NG=> DVA:0;L=89 G5:, :28B0=FVO, =0:;04=0, >?8A 2:;045==O 2 FV==89 ;8AB, 45:;0@0FVO) ?V4?@8T<AB20 72 O7:C, G5@57 O:5 =04A8;0TBLAO B0:5 ?>2V4><;5==O.The Company refuses to fulfill the obligations under the Agreement and / or terminates the Agreement by sending a notice to the Counterparty in writing. The Agreement is deemed as terminated on the 5th (fifth) business day from the date of dispatch of such notice to the Counterparty by the Company. Date of sending the notice of termination of the Contract unilaterally, which is the date of departure specified in the document of the telecommunications company, through which such notice is sent (including, but not limited to, fiscal check, receipt, invoice, description of attachment to the envelope, declaration). *">20@8AB2>  " #:@307284>1C20==O. *>=B@035=B  >A>10 7 O:>N "#:@307284>1C20==O C:;045=> >3>2V@.  * Company - JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya. * Counterparty - a person with whom JSC Ukrgasvydobuvannya has entered into an Agreement. V4?8A8 !B>@V= 2V4 >AB0G0;L=8:0:2V4 >:C?FO: __________________ / _______________ / <.?. _______________________ / _______________ / <.?.     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